Conservation and renovation of the elevations of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Duration: 2002-2010Contracting party: Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka p.w. Wniebowzięcia NMP (Roman Catholic Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) Plac Kopernika 7 87-800 Włocławek...
Conservation and renovation of the elevations of the Cathedral Duration: 2006-2011Contracting party: Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka p.w. Św., Jana Apostoła i Św. Jana Chrzciciela (Roman Catholic Parish of St. John the Evangelist and St. John the Baptist) ul. Żeglarska 16 87-100 Toruń ...
Conservation of the tower elevations, tower staircase, tracery paintings, courtyard elevations and exterior elevations, including the turrets, of the Old Town Hall Duration: 2000-2006Contracting authority: Muzeum Okręgowe w Toruniu (Toruń District Museum) Rynek Staromiejski 1 87-100 Toruń...
Conservation and repair of the elevation and the interior of the Ulica Długa Gatehouse in Gdańsk (Prison Tower, Neck, Torture House, Prison Building) Duration: 2003-2006Contracting authority: Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Gdańska (The City of Gdańsk History Museum) ul. Długa 46/47 80-831 Gdańsk...
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